Let's Talk with Sanctuary
Let's Talk with Sanctuary
Let's Talk Episode 90 | How to Live with Integrity for All Your Days
Eternity in heaven, with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the ultimate goal for every believer. Unfortunately, many professing followers of Christ, including ministers of the Gospel, will give themselves far too much latitude as they age, letting go of the simple spiritual disciplines and convictions that have grounded them through decades of following Christ, only to be sidelined by the enemy just before they cross the finish line. Faithfulness, not just in ministry service, but in surrendered submission to the work of the Holy Spirit in our personal lives each day is the focus for our conversation today. Our featured guests Pastors Billy and Bettye Nickell recently celebrated 50 years of marriage and faithful ministerial service. They join us to share what they've learned is "the secret sauce" of living with integrity all the days of your life.
Billy and Bettye Nickell were elected as Lead Pastors of Amarillo’s First Family Church, First Assembly of God, in March 2002. He served as the Presbyter of the of the North Plains Section from 1983-2010 and as an Executive Presbyter for twenty-three of those years. In April of 2010, Billy was elected to be the Secretary/Treasurer of the West Texas District, as well as one of three General Presbyters. He and Bettye traveled as evangelists for six-years prior to their 22-year pastorate at First Assembly of God in Canyon, Texas. He currently serves on the board of Pleasant Hills Children’s Home in Fairfield, TX, and as a member of the board of regents at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie. They have two daughters who live in Amarillo with their husbands and eight beautiful grandchildren. Billy’s passion is sharing God’s Word for the exclusive purposes of bringing glory to Christ and seeing lives eternally changed.
Connect with today's guests, Billy & Bettye Nickell:
Website: www.firstfamilychurch.org
YouTube: Amarillo First Family Church
Email: fantastic1316@gmail.com
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Many thanks to our host, Bridgette Tomlin, and engineer Justin Lynn of Justin Lynn Music. Learn how you can capitalize on all Justin can do for your small business, church, or ministry by clicking here!